The Mole Photographer

By cherylgabriel


I hardly ever see a miniature Dachshund, and then this week I meet two on consecutive days.
I first met Harry, who was sitting on his master's lap in a high-class outfitters, looking as cute as it's possible to look when you're that size.
Not wishing to outstay my welcome, I bade Harry farewell, foregoing the glaring photo of the day opportunity.
The next day we went into a cafe and I nudged D. 'There's Harry again!'
'No, I don't think that's him'.
'I"m going to ask his owner'.
'Excuse me, is that Harry?'
'No, this is McCoy. He's Harry's half-brother'.

I'd obviously spotted the family likeness.

Both are the most handsome and adorable little guys.

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