Strawberry Glut

Another slow and quiet Sunday.  The weather was changeable but better than yesterday, with periods of blue sky.  TT spent time in the garden, but didn’t manage to get BB to cut the grass.
We three did brave the weather and headed out for walk this afternoon.  It was mostly fine, though windy, but always with the constant threat of rain.  We only got caught in one serious shower, but managed to shelter under some trees.
Once home TT cooked up a  storm – a chicken jalfrezi and homemade naan breads, which went down very well.
I finished my book, Becoming by Michelle Obama – an interesting read which I have enjoyed.  I haven’t had my laptop out today, but have been thinking about the work I need to do, in fact it has been on my mind all weekend.  I’ve scribbled my notes down, so I can get on with it first thing in the morning.
These are jam now, as TT spent his evening making jam.

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