It Started Down Under

By dirk

Bio-Mimicry Aussie-style

Yesterday evening at choir, the committee loved my poster and asked me to transform it into postcards and advertisements in the near future as well. After choir at the pizzeria I ordered a proper apfelstrudel with ice cream and vanilla sauce. It was delicious!

Today I started brainstorming with Australian patterns in mind. So I chose bio-mimicry. This is a method where you pick an animal and imagine how this animal would overcome a problem that you as a designer are confronted with. What you see here is part of the results, not yet translated into an actual product.

Today I already was very happy to experience the results of me standing up for myself at work yesterday. It feels as if my colleagues are treating me with more respect and are willing to offer me proper design work or boring work but in exchange offer to teach me a few design skills. Thanks for all your support blippers!

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