
By earthdreamer

The Grandchild

Whiskey has launched a takeover of my flat, but it's okay. He's proving to be very well behaved. Roam and Shenny are doing a great job with him. It feels a bit like I've been delivered my first grandchild. I'm new to having a dog around like this. I hadn't fully appreciated how having responsibility for a puppy is so much like taking care of a young child. It's full-on. 

It goes without saying that Whiskey has his own Instagram ! Roam and Shenny are keen that he pays his way in the world.

It was yet another day of grey, wet, uninspiring weather. We've had the heating on since lunchtime. The temperature hasn't gotten above 12 deg for a couple of days now. The moor is awash with water, back to where it was at the beginning of March. 

It's been fun to simply hang out with the kids, made even more enjoyable for being able to sit down with Roam and watch a 5-0 win for Leeds in the Championship. It's usually a thoroughly traumatic experience watching Leeds with my youngest. Today, it was a joy. Whiskey was having a post-walk nap and got woken up in shock every time we scored!

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