Pettico Wick Bay

It was a lovely day for a change so we decided to go out to St Abb’s Head to see the seabirds before they all leave for sea in the next wee while. The car park wasn’t full thankfully and the sun kept shining as we walked to the lighthouse. There weren’t too many people and everyone kept well apart from everyone else. We stuck to the cliff edge and had good views of the Guillemots, Razorbills, Kittiwakes and Fulmars nesting on the cliffs. Interestingly there were a few Gannets nesting on a couple of stacks. Whether they are colonising here as Bass Rock is too crowded or young ones practising I don’t know; we had only ever seen them flying by on previous occasions. The blip is a panorama of Pettico Wick Bay on the west side of St Abb’s Head and the extra a shot of St Abb’s itself as we walked back to the parking.

Yesterday’s blip

Best on black.

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