
By PlanW

Very little of any note happened today and nothing that inspired me to take a photo so you have, once again, my dinner.  

Dog walk. 2 bags of litter. 

Work.  Clear out 500 emails from two days off.   Electronic litter. 

My friend has tried to book a holiday for us for next year, there are some big birthdays for several of us.  We're usually 'independent travellers' but it's been decided that a package is the sensible option in the circumstances.  13 people flying from one airport.  1 person from another.  Same day, same hotel.  Too difficult.  Can't be done.  And they wonder why the high street travel companies have struggled in recent years.  Piece of nonsense.  

Dog walk. Didn't take my picker as the weather's not been great so I thought there'd be no picnics or revelry. Mistake.

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