
By RedCoatedBirder

Bearded Tit

Hyde Park 13:02

Train to King's Cross today to see the now famous Hyde Park Bearded Tits.

Possibly present since 11th December, but not on the public radar till 16th January it's the first time the species has ever been seen in Inner London, their presence in a tiny reedbed close to the Princess Diana Memorial Fountain in the ludicrous location of Hyde Park is the reason for their impromptu fame. Often perched within feet of passers-by, 'pinging' and swinging among the phragmites heads in the cold east wind, they have drawn steady crowds of admirers.

As part of my get fit for Norway campaign we chose to walk the four miles from the station to the Diana Memorial fountain - I say we chose, not sure Mrs RCB would agree that it was a joint decision. Anyhow the birds were soon found in the appropriate reedbed and put on a fine show.

Check out Longshanks fine picture too.

One of the highlights of our subsequent wander round The Serpentine was watching "bird feeder man" with his assorted coloured bags of different feeds with many different birds coming to hand including Ring-necked Parakeets "de-shelling" the monkey nuts.

Soup in the Lido Cafe, before the wander back to King's Cross. A good day's urban birding with a wee bit of Norway training thrown in.

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