
By MovableParts

Side tracked

Took a side road to look for houses for sale by the river (one can always hope).  Didn't find any but did find this gate. 

Today was one of those days that turn your head 180 degrees, twice, by the absurdity of the juxtaposition of events  The experiences caught in both the extras were what really made the day.  On our way home, my feet up on the dashboard listening to the musicians's song Paradise (from his new CD), I felt like we had truly been gifted a magical, idyllic 24 hours in Taos.  We had, of course...

However, right after I took the gate blip, all hell broke loose ending with our car dying 25 yards from our Toyota dealer, in the left turn lane of a 6 lane highway!  Twenty five yards from the dealership you'd think, Hmmm not so bad they'll just pull us in.  But the dealership does not have tow trucks!  Nary a one.  2.5 hours later, a tow finally arrived after we took turns sitting in the dead car, in 95 degree heat (the road probably 105), while the other one of us ferried all of our gear uphill to the dealership where we would catch a ride home once our car was safely deposited.

1.Big Horn sheep up close.  Took a more treacherous road out of Taos...dirt road hanging off the high mesa w/ many switchbacks but we did find sheep! I must stop getting so excited when I see the big horns in Taos.  My camera settings were all off.  And while we were only 15 feet from these amazing animals, we certainly weren't in their faces.
2. New Swimming hole discovered

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