
Today it’s one of my favourite Swedish meals - shrimp and egg sandwich. Very tasty.

In other news - the fireplace guys came to service my gas stove. It should have been done right when lockdown started. It’s good to start getting some things done that have been put off for so long.

We had a good friendly discussion about masks. They said they do wear masks if the homeowner requests that they do. I didn’t mind them not wearing masks in my home as we were always at least 2m apart. But I was concerned about THEM working so closely together. They agreed that technically they probably should be wearing them for that reason, and I said that I believed that WAS the government guidance - for workmen sharing a van or working closely together. I urged them not to think they’re invincible. It was good to be able to have a pleasant discussion about it without anyone getting heated or irate. But I am concerned that many people seem to be going back to life as normal when there are still new cases of Covid every day.

I’ve just posted 3 blips in a row - feel free to scroll back!

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