Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid


These are the Magnificent 7 6!

Met up with ex-colleagues this evening. One of them sadly couldn't make it otherwise we would have lived up to the name of the group, chosen because at one of the rare get-together's when we were ALL present, we happened to be by the Dubai Fountain and a show came on choreographed to the tune of the Magnificent Seven!

As I am the one who organises the evening, I suggested we meet at 1897 to enjoy 2 free glasses of champagne each! It was the first time for everyone else and they loved it! So, phew! Seriously, I have no idea why I am even in this group as all the other ladies in it had/have assigned parking bays in the basement and despite my mentioning this fact, they won't let me out. Probably cos someone has to organise the meet ups!

Anyway, we had a really happy evening catching up and it has already been suggested we get together again next month.

G had another day supply teaching so I got on with sorting more papers. Good day.

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