The Artist's Eye

By ArtistAnnie

Little Guys in the Tree

This is a big tree at the back of the open area behind Shelly's condo. Way up in the tree, a cottonwood, is the remains of a platform kids built a long time ago. At dinner yesterday I noticed a big furry body on the side of the tree. Just for a second. It had to be a raccoon. Too big to be a squirrel. Too small to be a cougar. A few minutes later, way up the tree, I spied a family of raccoons on the platform. I ran home to get my long lens camera and they were still there when I got back. So I took some photos. This little kit was watching me as I was watching him. Soon he fell into a doze with his head hanging off the wooden platform. There were at least three raccoons up there. Too cute for words. But nasty creatures if truth be told. Today I'm going for cute. And like any good citizen, he's wearing a mask.

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