Morning walk

I persuaded Ian out on a morning walk whilst it was still cool. As Leo is still enjoying his birthday weekend I let him get away with opting to stay home again.

I think I wore Ian out as he spent most of the afternoon snoring on the sofa whilst I crocheted away to a bit of TV footie.

Just one more week of work for me and Ian and then we have a week off. It is unusual or us both to be off at the same time in the summer as we usually just cover the summer holidays between us.  We can multi task and cover the hols whilst working from home now as Leo just needs a body around to feed him at regular intervals but then let him do his own thing!

We don’t plan to head off anywhere to stay so will get out and about locally instead.  We have a fair few National Trust properties near us so we should be able to book and visit one each day to give us a change of scenery and lots of lovely steps!

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