Ara Pacis in Rome

The full name for this edifice is Ara Pacis Augustae (Altar of Augustan Peace). It was "commissioned by the Roman Senate in 13 BC to honor the return of Augustus to Rome after his three years in Hispania and Gaul". It's worth viewing large.

Over the next millenium-and-a-half the monument literally sank from sight and memory, into the soft ground beneath. Starting in the late 1500's a few sculptural fragments were discovered, but extensive excavation only began in the 1930s. In the 1990's it was decided to build a full-scale museum structure around it to stabilize it and protect it from vibration and temperature variations (heavy traffic along the Tiber river runs close by, visible in the background). Designed by the American architect Richard Meier to some controversy and finally opened in 2006, the museum has superb informational displays. We thoroughly enjoyed our visit.

Our other visits today were to the Galleria Borghese--with six Caravaggios (!), and the Quattro Fontane--a small but exquisite baroque church designed by Borromini, a leading rival to Bernini. More info tomorrow if I get to it :)

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