I think he saw me coming!!!

Today I went to Windsor Castle but I think I scared the guards - this one definitely seemed to be hiding from me.... That, or it was the very cold wind.

For anyone who has been following the discovery of the remains of Richard III, a visit to Windsor Castle is well worth while. A portrait of the King, showing him with one shoulder higher than the other and a rather spike - like thumb is on display in the State Apartments. It was recently taken from the castle to undergo forensic testing and filming for the documentary on channel 4.

St George's Chapel also has plenty of artifacts relating to Richard III and his family of the house of York.

It certainly pays to talk to the staff on duty, they are very knowledgeable and only too pleased to share fascinating snippets. I was shown where the Queen and other members of the Order of the Garter from the Royal Family sit in special pews in the choir, and told that the Queen keeps bottled water and Polo mints there.

I was taken into a side chapel, not normally open to the public, to see a plaque dedicated to Richard III.

it was quite tingly to stand over the spot where Henry VIII is buried.

I met a retired army officer, now living in a Knight of the Garter house, exercising his dog on the grass. He had not a good word to say about the Royal Corgis, all 13 of them, who apparently are not house trained !!!

It was a splendid way to spend an afternoon and I hope my increased knowledge can be used in the future for a business idea I am incubating.

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