Red Star Line

Out sailing with the Rog, and quite blowy at times. Exhilarating he called it. But we still made it round the top of Inchcolm and into Aberdour where we managed a brew up.
Back at Granton I let him jump off at the pontoon and head home while I went to pick up my mooring. And just then another squall came in. Getting the boat hook onto one of the junks, I just couldn’t hold it; unfortunately nor could I unhook the bliddy thing. As my shoulder slowly wrenched itself as far as possible I just had to let go. Boathook overboard, boat floating backwards towards breakwater, wind howling. Oh, it’s exhilarating at times, all right. 
Still I got myself sorted eventually and even got that boathook back. You never stop learning when you sail, I’m often told. True, that. 

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