
...the theme for AbstractThursday, and thanks to Ingeborg for hosting. Most unusually for me I had my blip by 7:30 this morning. I got up and walked in the bathroom and this is what I saw. I don't know what this is called, but it comes in a roll & is made of plastic that has a pattern. You cut it to fit your window when you want to let light in but you don't want people to be able to see inside. Once the size is cut, you put it on the window and it just stays there. If you decide you don't want it anymore you pull it off--no adhesive, no fuss! It's white/clear, but I set the camera to "incandescent lighting" which turned it blue.  
We left the house by 8 for Tom's blood work, and once it was drawn, thinking the results would be fine, we left to go home. Once again, we were just about home when the nurse called with the results. His platelets were borderline for a transfusion, so the Dr. said to give him another unit. We headed back to the clinic & Tom went in to get set up and I walked a couple of miles in the Emerald Preserve, loving the 70 degree & cloudy temperature!! I finished and got upstairs by Tom just as his platelets were half-way done. It takes longer for them to come from the blood bank than it does to infuse.....once there, they only take about 15 minutes to run in. We did a drive-through to pick up some lunch and are home now. Got the whole afternoon to do a few chores & make a few appointments.  :))

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