Heavy Rain...

...was promised as I set out on another walk locating the "Find Härnösand" checkpoints in the forest. The map I am on at the moment uses the area around the beach at Smitingen. I was well warmed up after a local pre-breakfast walk with HarlingDarling.
As you can see the beach at the start of this walk was not overly full. The raindrops sporadically falling, strong NW winds, and a temperature of about 15° C is putting even the hardiest Vikings off building sandcastles and swimming.
How did the walk and the checkpoint location go? Back in the 1960's, as a scout, I learned that when the terrain doesn't quite fit the map in the expected way, you are probably in the wrong place. Every now and again I need to relearn that lesson and today was one of those days. I won't bore you with the details but my small mistake meant retracing my steps a km or so, back up to the previously visited hill-top. I prefer doing these walks on my own because companions don't always understand the fun of such small diversions. Anyway I found all the points  on my chosen bit of map so I reckon the day a success, especially as the rain never came. In the extra you can see checkpoint 25, near the top of the hill I climbed twice.
When I got home there was that special warmth in the air that indicates someone has been baking, and sure enough a pile of mini-quiche and biscuits was cooling down. Many thanks Jan!

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