Weight Restriction? (MM340)

Seems appropriate in view of the UK government's recent road to Damascus moment?
I will suspend my usual cynicism while they sort out the detail!

I spent the morning with the chairman of the local history society - this is a good relationship as with me being the chair of the camera club neither of us expects the other to join our committee :-)
David has some software intended to help him photograph old artefacts and get more detail on any surface texture or e.g. writing which time may have made difficult to read.  He just needed some assistance with getting his camera and flash into manual mode and setting up the flash output to get the exposure about right.  The software (Reflectance Transformation Imaging) is quite old and is very prescriptive on file naming and folder structures,  but we appeared to be getting somewhere by mid afternoon.  The general idea is to photograph some of the older headstones and see what extra information is revealed. It could be an interesting project to get involved in and being mostly outdoors, probably not too risky.

Hope everyone else had something of a positive day.

Thanks to 60plus for hosting mono Monday.

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