Jay Bee Day Lee Foe Tee

By jackblack


Driving down to Kirkcaldy this evening, to visit mum in hospital, me and Robin noticed a strange light in the sky. It looked like a very strong light beam reflecting on the cloud cover. Once we were actually in Kirkcaldy it disappeared a bit because of the street lights and we thought no more about it.

After our visit, getting in the car, we noticed the pulsating orange glow over the back of the houses and decided we'd go and see if we could find the source of the light. As you do.

(I had my suspicions that it was Mossmorran , but I wasn't definitely sure)

After a small drivette in the dark, and a foray onto the A92, we discovered it WAS Mossmorran and tried to get a bit closer for a better view.

This is what we found .... the gas flare lighting up the wind turbines just beside the plant. It was fab.

Unfortunately, I had neither a tripod or Gorillapod in the car .. so I took this particular photo with the camera sat on a fencepost :-)

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