Wonky Wednesday!

We decided it was time to come home today so we’re all packed ready to hit the road by 10.30am. We opted to drive over the Rest and be Thankful rather than taking a ferry to the mainland...I hoped we’d stop somewhere for a blip!

Mrs Google woman decided she didn’t want to go through Glasgow so sent us via Stirling instead...MC complied without question! This ruled out a short detour to the Overtoun Bridge. Two hours into the journey I managed to get him to pull into a serviced lay-by for a quick comfort break then it was onwards again. Approaching Stirling we had a wonderful view of the castle...but he didn’t stop; heading down the M9 towards Edinburgh past the Kelpies...he didn’t stop! We arrived home about 2pm not having taken a single photo.

Daughter joked on seeing me I was just in time to go for a walk...but she wasn’t going until later as they were waiting for the bee man to arrive. Apparently the second hive is missing the Queen so they were trying to remedy that...I watched from what I thought was a safe distance! Unfortunately for me I wasn’t quite far enough away and an angry bee found me and stung my hand. Not content with that it started buzzing in my hair and attracted the attention of some of its mates who also decided my head was threatening them...about eighteen stings later and some help from hubby with the smoker I finally made it back to the house, feeling exceedingly battered and somewhat unnerved. Hubby and daughter then had to remove all the stings from my scalp and face, dose me with Piriton and paracetamol and bathe everything with white wine vinegar! The double dose of Piriton did knock me out and I’ve slept for a couple of hours...feeling very tender and drained now!

Freyjad asked to see some distortion today for Wide Wednesday so you get to see the wonky greenhouse and potty shed!

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