
By HF1


Today was a scorcher - we set off early for the Midlands and arrived in Stourport to see my sister and niece and family . My nephew’s wife has developed ectopic heart beats in the third trimester of her pregnancy so she went off to hospital ( she seems to be ok at the moment) .
We all took a picnic to Ludlow but bypassed the town as it was really busy . We went straight to our picnic spot where we’ve picnicked as a family for years - Bringewood Chase . After being fed and watered we all went for a stroll as there’s a beautiful pond in the woods with lots of dragonflies and the odd moorhen . The girls love it as does Poppy the dog ! 
Then it was home via the scenic route through the Teme Valley back to Stourport for fish and chips in the garden although it was very very hot .
Home to Somerset by 11:0 pm .

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