Change of plans

I met with Helle this morning by the Land of Legends as we had planned to spend the day there. 

When we arrived, I saw that Tango had vomited in the car though and it turned out that he has some kind of stomach bug, so spending a warm day on a big adventure was not a good idea. 

We changed our plans and took the dogs for a small walk in the woods instead. We came across this stone, which was erected as a reminder of the “elimination of the adscription" in 1788.

Helle took me to a store, where I could get Oralade Hydrate, which is a  drink designed to quickly replenish, fluids, minerals and glucose for  hydration. It is very good to help prevent dehydration, when the dog has diarrhea and I wanted to help Tango get through his stomach bug as easily as possible. 

We came home at noon and Tango has been happy and full of energy, so hopefully we caught the problem and can help him get over it, before it makes it really poorly. We are taking it easy today, so he can use his energy fight the bug.

See you tomorrow
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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