
By Beckett


..... well the Alternative Olympics got off to a super start yesterday as reported, but overnight there were a few quite serious breaches!

As we all know, only superb planning and organisation allowed the Games to proceed with the Covid 19 issues, and all of the participants took an oath to work within the guidelines set. 

Well you could have guessed, Polly after winning her road walking event as on outsider in the betting, let the win go to her head and the Pigeon team were no where to be seen this morning. As you can see their lodge was completely empty! The committee are still to give any further comment BUT, it could mean troubles for Polly!

That aside, Day two went well in stunning weather, and everyone was talking about the main event! 

Blinder the Blackbird (he got that name due his blistering speed ) was favourite to take out the "Cloud Burst" title. What is that you may ask, well  first thing just after sunup they need to fly at breakneck speed, and the first to "channel" a cloud into a solid streak wins. 
Well, Blinder came good again for the third year running, and won Gold. Just check the smile on the winners podium in extra one, but more important check extra two, and see what he did to that cloud!
The papers ran front page pictures and story.

Day three has a lot to live up to after today at the Games, but we are sure to see to more drama and sporting brilliance.

Enjoy and have a look in LARGE and if you come across Polly, best give her the heads up she is wanted by the Committee. 

Oh, and in "real life" the cloud shot was actually in our skies this morning never seen anything like it.

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