Mr John

By MrJohn

Running .....

..... angels.

Fridays are my Sundays and today has been a steady one for me. I spent most of the day at home getting on with household chores and a bit of work. The sun was shining at lunchtime, so I had a walk in to town to get a piece of glass cut for a picture frame and for some lunch in the Christchurch cafe ( carrot and corriander soup with a bread roll, mug of tea and a slice of millionaires shortcake ).

I took a couple of photos whilst in town, but find it difficult to be inspired by scenes that I'm overly familiar with and nothing really caught my eye.

This evening I had a text from my friend Alison asking if I fancied going out for a run. As I slacked off on Tuesday evening and needed to stretch my legs I took her up on the offer. We set off along with Mr M at 7:30pm and were out for about an hour of steady road running. I took my Nikon for it's first ever run and took this quick light doodle of Alison and Mr M in the shadow of the church towards the end of our run.

If you look Large ( as Boo say's everything is better Large ) you may just be able to see my white translucent legs next to Alison and Mr M ( I was wearing my indecently short running shorts, despite the chilly weather ).

As I have been feeling slightly uninspired photography wise today and Alison and Mr M came to my rescue, today's blip is my .....

..... Running angels.

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