An ordinary life....

By Damnonii


Backblipped 05.08.20

It's been seven months and seven days (28th December) since we last saw John and Norma and we have missed them so much!

We didn't see them January or February due to colds/ flu and the weather (they're about a 50 minute drive from us) and John was still recovering from his knee op so wasn't driving very far.  They were due to visit us on 27th March but lockdown put a stop to that!  So to say this was a long awaited reunion is a bit of an understatement! :-)

When they arrived we wished the Happy New Year :-))  Their timing was perfect as I was just taking a batch of scones out the oven, so after they spent some time with Alan, who was SO excited to see them, we settled down to coffee and scones and a mega catch up.

Lola was also delighted to see them and demanded their full attention (see extras :-)  She is worse than a toddler!

We spent a very pleasant time chatting over dinner, and for dessert I had considered making an apple and strawberry crumble, but Norma's absolute favourite dessert is Marks & Spencers rhubarb crumble so I decided to go with that.

On finishing our main course, I offered creme fraiche, custard or ice cream with the crumble.  They both opted for ice cream so David went to the get the crumble from the fridge and put it in the oven, to discover we'd forgotten to buy it!!  

We'd discussed it, I'd texted the shopping list to David, he'd gone to M&S but hadn't noticed the crumble was missing from the list, even though he texted me back to check which tub of custard he should buy!  Hahahahahaha!  We are so out of practice at entertaining!  

Of course John and Norma thought it was hilarious and were happy to settle for strawberries and ice cream.

A lovely day :-))

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