Today was all about beauty and grace with an entire murder of crows exhibiting daring and balletic aerial techniques that caused spectators to gasp in delight.  Despite an annoying, minor distraction attempt from Team Stellar's Jay, Team Crow proceeded with their aerial routine, never missing a swoop, turn or figure eight the entire time.  Breathless oohhhs and aahhhs were heard throughout the stadium.  Team Crow has amassed more gold medals in AOG competitions than any other team and this year was no exception.  Congratulations Team Crow on another gold medal performance!

Team Stellar's Jay competed in the afternoon in the Non-Aerial Pushing Peanut relay and did quite well, scoring two silver medals.  

The Captain of Team Osprey did a fly-by but, as expected, turned his beak up at the quality of the water in the stadium pool.  We expect that he will take his team to another venue later in the week.

Team Heron had the day off but one of the members was seen at the snack bar, again.  

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