
By Sassafrasstash

Workplace Woes

It is a sad day when a chocolate fanatic is too hungover to eat a crêpe.

Oh yeah, did I forget to mention we had galettes followed by made-to-order crêpes for lunch at work today? Cider was on offer too, but politely (wretching kept to oneself) declined, merci quand même.

And so it was that the not so nutella-mad but far more gourmande English representative at the French cabinet took great, (but retrospectively ill-judged) tasty, (hungover) advantage of the beginning of the weekend's celebrations of La Chandeleur in Paris, the French Catholic holiday of Candlemas.

The crêpes traditionally said to symbolise in their round, golden shape the sun, Christ, the coming of spring (forward thinking) after the harsh winter (still ongoing, thanks) and 'prosperity for the coming year'...regardless of our suffering ('I'm not drinking again for 3 years'), this sure did brighten my day - and reminded me of the perks of the job, crucial.

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