A Monkey's Tale

By MonkeyWithAView

A Formation in Frost

A close up of an ice pop.
A treacherous icy ravine.
A stark & baron Arctic landscape.
The cool frost jigsaw on the roof of a Seat Ibiza.

.. are just some of the whacky guesses of what diaboloical & monstrous scene this blip depicts.

Me? A complete slide on the ice here, I'm going with the desolate & haunting lanscape one, but what do I know!? Monkey's the boss!

Anyhoo, whatever it is, it scares me, but I like.

And now for something wholly unrelated, while I toiled away at the Office this afternoon (busy old day it was too), Jenny managed to pick up some bed bolts from a local-ish bed-bolts-&-beyond emporium (they're few & very far between I can tell you). She's still not 100% after the wisdom-ectomy, so an away mission was her reward/ punishment. I think she gave the gents at the trade counter quite a surprise, as it's not the kind of place you'd get many female visitors asking for bolts & er... screws. Say no more. A success then! And tomorrow morning, I now have a task.

A big smiley face, or something of equivelant value, to the blipper who calls in & correctly guesses what this is.

Until then, Monkey will see you on the morrow. Ta-ta.

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