
By Genetta

Ever feel like you are being watched?

I'm home alone for the weekend. The Kid is with his dad. I come out of the shower. The house is quiet. The closet door moves slightly. I look up and this is what I see.

Good thing it meowed at me!

Since the spare bedroom/craft room redo I removed the cats climbing tower from there. It is an ugly color and the cats have scratched off a lot of the carpet.

I was trying to figure out where to put the thing since my female cat seemed to be missing it. She would use it to quickly get away from my other cat since he is on the portly side and can not run as fast as her.

I finally decided on a place where it could go and would not be so unsightly. My bedroom closet. I placed it behind the door and now the cats are happy again.

Although this was kind of creepy for a Friday night.

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