Sun Going Down

First, thank you all for feedback, stars, and hearts on yesterday's collage.  How kind you all are!

Early afternoon I met JZ at the consignment shop in Twinsburg.  I bought 2 tops, a jeans skirt, and a pair of shorts.  (All size Covid. Ugh!)  Between the clearance mark-downs, my credit balance, the sales tax holiday, and the random $10 off that popped up on the register, I walked away having paid only $4.24.  Not bad! 

Meanwhile my favorite gardener was hard at work outside. We watched the last robin crying as she gathered up her courage to leave the nest, perched on the edge, then backing down, again and again.  The pictures weren't worth posting.  We're concerned that she hasn't yet flown.  She flopped to the ground from the nest, then walked along the side fence to the back path (as all the animals do!).  I was blipping something else when I accidentally spotted her under one of the hemlocks.  Poor thing watched me then hopped away.  Her mother's been part of the whole process, tempting her with worms and calling out to her.  We hope the little one makes it through the night.

This frond caught my eye as I was heading in for dinner. 

Have a restful Sunday!

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