Fly On Flower

Firstly, many thanks for all the great comments, stars and hearts across all three of my journals yesterday! I greatly appreciate the encouragement you have given me in a genre of which I have little experience!

Today has been another steaming hot day with temperatures in the 30s, so I've had a lazy day, picnicking with the family in the shade of the garden. It was good to take it easy after yesterday's trip to the sealife centre. I still have many photos from that trip that have barely received a cursory glance, so I've taken it very easy on the photography front. This image is heavily cropped, so perhaps best not look large :)) 

White On Black in my b&w journal

Hope you've managed to stay comfortable, whether you've been trying to escape the heat or, perhaps, wrapping up warm somewhere on the other side of the planet! 

Ann :))

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