East to West

By Hideyo


I heard Sake (Rice wine) is getting a boom in NY.

Here Kobe - Nada is the biggest Sake brewing area traditionally. Yes, Nada has major sake breweries, but there are also small and quality breweries.

Sensuke on the photo is brewed by Izumishuzou and the company also has more than 200 years history. However, they had heavy damaged by Great Hanshin Earthquake in 1995 and no choice except stopping their brewing. After 12 years of the earthquake, they finally restarted their brewery and named their Sake as Sensuke, their founder name.

Today I picked up Arabashiri?fresh pure sake, without filtering. It tastes very fresh and fruity. Since the types of sake has to keep in a fridge, they cannot export.

Do you want to try? Visit Kobe!

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