The accidental finding

By woodpeckers


I had coffee with my friend J this morning, and toured the town's charity shops. We'd met at 9.30 because I knew it would be hot later. We parted outside my friend Gail's flat, where I sat in her garden and talked nonsense for hours. She doesn't go out much because she is on inmmuno-suppressant meds, but has many visitors.

Gail has come up with a very good scheme for me and her : she pays me to borrow 500-piece jigsaws, and then returns them. She doesn't have to take them to the charity shop, and I can re-loan them, or sell them on, but at more then a pittance. Jigsaws don't sell for much on eBay unless they are sought after, or hard to get hold of, as they were during lockdown.

As I was leaving, I picked some of Gail's plums, but some were already shrivelled on the tree, as in the photo. She's had a good crop this year, and I've benefitted, as have many others.

I had no idea how hot it was until left Gail's , because I'd been sitting in the shade. The heat hit me like a wall, and
after visiting a couple more shops, I phoned Steve and asked him to collect me. Pathetic, but...

Once home, I cooked lunch (yes, really cooked) and went out to the cabin where I promptly fell asleep. The rest of the evening was spent making a plan with Dave for meeting tomorrow in Cheltenham. It may change, of course. He's not as capable of walking as he used to be.

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