
By mollymay49


Last night we had just finsihed a really nice FaceTime with Joyce (Glyn's Mum) shortly afterwards she had a visit from eldest Son, Glyns Brother Mike, who took this photo and sent it to us, looking just as happy as when he had spoken to her, "it was very hot" she was telling us, the caring staff at Pendean Nursing Home are all lovely with her, she interacts with them so easily, she needs prompting now in conversations with us, her dementia is slowly taking its toll. although as soon as she sees our faces her face brightens, but alas shortly after the conversation becomes difficult, but we always find something to say that she will connect with.
The iPads that were donated to the home early on in the pandemic have been a godsend, we look forward to these little chats every week, and though Mum will forget them as soon as we have gone, they are give us more memories to cherish.
They are taken to one of the out buildings in the garden, where a screen is wheeled across, visitors are gloved, gowned, and masked, and residents must remain behind the screen, there is a carer with them all the time it must be so very hard for them as well a step visitors, but it's a necessary rule to keep them all safe. 

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