An Avid Lensman

By SarumStroller

Saturday afternoon, Salisbury Style!

What a difference from yesterday, my bright contrasty Blip then, with its vibrant blues and oranges has been replaced by a dull cold grey, today.

Was out - and got - time exposures of an old mill in central Salisbury that at one point, was the local power station. Used the newly gotten Gorilla pod on the wall you can see - the mill is to the right and those pics are OK, reasonable exposure but the dark dank wall of cloud behind too featureless and flat to set it off, even after dusk.

When there was a break in the cloud, a fleeting moment, I swung the full-frame D700 and Nikkor 17-35mm f2.8 (at its widest - about 12mm in DX terms) and ran just this one an 8 sec time exposure. The angle was wrong - skew-whiff but this actually makes the shot, as well as the bus, moving off from stationery, as it waited at the lights.

Quite an amount of Photoshop selective highlight/shadow extraction - to get all those lights sources at their optimum - and the reddish pavement and wall has been enhanced, shall we say - it was a uniformly bland grey. The street is Fisherton St, beyond the bridge just ahead and with the old gaol for town drunks many years ago, underneath the attractive town clock. The building on the left is the wondrously civilised and cultured (clears throat) local Wetherspoons public house....

The old Infirmary (now a retirement colony community) is the large dark block beyond and the angular metal 'thing' against the light is where the local parks department hang baskets of flowers - either they've been nicked or they've forgotten to provide them!

This street leads up to the railway station, in the direction we're facing so any Blip visitors using this mode of transport will come this way.

Try it 'large' - the L key

- - - So tired now, after long day and so will catch up with comments and other's entries in the morning - have a great weekend rest of weekend, everybody! - - -

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