
By Beckett


.... well all the "hype" from yesterdays announcement by the Games Committee that todays events were to be a "special" came to be!

The most important thing was the weather again was just stunning allowing the competitors to really "strut their stuff"!! 

The first surprise saw the Corrella team burst into the Arena with a stunning display of flight style. 
The main pic here shows Charlie the Corrella in full wing doing a circuit around the Gum tree. Then in the (first extra) he shows his prowess with this "triumphant" pose.
The Corella team continued their impressive display with a coordinated flyby to finish the event (second extra).

The other major hi light by the Committee had been to gain a Covid exemption, and bring in a team from InterState.
The Ibis team are the present Aussie Champions for not only invading Park rubbish bins, but also technically challenged straight flybys. Check them out in the (third extra) as they cruise over the main Games Arena.

As the day drew to a conclusion it was time for the crowd favourites to perform. Warren and Millie the Superb Fairy-wrens were asked to do a duet to finish the days activities. 
Everything started well with Warren leading the way (fourth extra), but at the time Millie was due to "chime" in...  nothing!! 
Then everybody noticed she was far too busy having a scratch (fifth extra). 
It was an absolute riot... Warren yelling at her, as she just sat quietly enjoying the sun (sixth extra).

The day how ever finished with the crowd more than satisfied with the results.

With only one day left for events and then the final closing ceremony everyone was wondering what could out shine the events so far.

Enjoy and have a look in LARGE and to check out all the fun on Day twelve around the World check the #AOG202012 tag. 

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