
By TrevorKing66

At long last

It's Saturday morning, kids are up, and I receive a text (20 Waxwings in Hadfield). A Waxwing is one bird that has eluded me for some years now and I have always wanted to see one. Winterwatch really wound me up this year with footage of a young lad in Scotland with them feeding out of his hands. So when I received the text this morning I went into panic mode (so close yet so far) yet another text arrived (Hi I'm off to see the Waxwings that have seen by Bill do you want a lift) Within ten minutes I was sat in the car and we were off. Luckily they were still there, got some very good views and some not so good shots using a borrowed lens because the light was not that good but with a little photoshoppery I can at least show you all the wonderful Waxwings that made my weekend. Cheers Bill for spotting them and Deb for the lift and loan of the lens. Not forgetting the extra company of Bills wife, Colin and his sister. AND THE PIG.

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