Tortoiseshell on Buddleia

We were the first at Arley Hall Gardens this morning, it was good to be there and have the place to ourselves for a while. It is as always a lovely place to amble around.

We had a short local walk afterwards and getting back to the car park, plenty of cars there, so the early arrival was the right thing to do.

Interesting to see how the place changes through the seasons. Not only the flora, which as ever was glorious, but the sounds. Chattering families of swallows wheeling around, and the clicking sounds of unseen robins - that sound always reminds me of the coming autumn. And there seem to be more small tortoiseshell butterflies flying around suddenly.

From there to Warrington General, and another very full car park. Those working in hospitals must be hoping that people "out there" will follow all the guidelines, and properly. This autumn is going to be very "interesting". We haven't been to any shops, or eating or drinking places, so we can only judge what we read. It's not entirely comforting. 

And farewell Julian Bream, introduced me to great classical guitar and lute music. I will have to get that LP down from the loft and raise a glass.

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