
By wildinlailand

Iron age

I have been reminded today of the history of the landscape and the events and activities that have shaped it. We have been across the Pennines for a walk in the Yorkshire Dales NP. Bit of dreich and dull day not really great for stunning images. The whole of landscape ,well most of the shape of it, is a relic of the forces of the last ice age. The limestone rocks date back 360M yrs to when this part of the world was a swallow tropical sea and billions of dead sea creatures left the calcium carbonate deposits of the carboniferous period. The image is part of an Iron Age settlement in Grasswood. This part of the wood has relics of various stone round houses. The people who live here probably cleared the woodland from the surrounding hills. Just outside Grassington are the remains of a medieval village and you can still see the outlines of walls and strip lynchets that they used to farm.

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