Silly Saturday ....

.... Jeremiah?

Nope, not a bullfrog!  I suspect this is a Pickerel Frog ... but I had to Google it to find out!  

For a change of scenery today we went up to the Graver Arboretum for our walk.  The weather was very pleasant but I started to feel the humidity by the time we were done.  

We saw so many interesting things on our walk this afternoon.  And this teeny, tiny frog was one of them.  It's no bigger than an American penny. I know this because we were able to place a penny next to him for size reference.  I was going to post that picture but the penny was brighter than the frog and your attention would be on that and not the Pickerel frog. 

We also saw a HUGE ball (two actually) of something formed in one of the ponds at the arboretum.  We are not sure what it was but the "balls" were at least the size of basketball.  We had never seen anything like it and think perhaps they might be eggs of something ... perhaps frogs? Does anyone have a clue ... without seeing a picture of what I'm talking about as I didn't want to waste an extra photo?

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