Norfolk Roundabouts

This was the view from one of two new seats along the route of the Bayfield Bird Walk. This seat was at the top of a steep field and G and I had a lovely view across the surrounding area, including being able to see 4 churches, a windmill and the sea (just). I'll go back on a nicer day with my tripod and try to do a panorama. This view made me laugh with the tractor ploughing a field with two 'roundabouts'. 

Back at the car park we popped in the gallery to have a look at the lovely prints and sculptures and I went back in the afternoon (with my tape measure) and chose a couple of prints which I then put up on the wall and which I'll blip another day.

Many thanks for the hearts and lovely comments on my blip milestone yesterday. As you could probably tell, I totally forgot about it!

Day 155 / Full Day 147 of Lockdown / Day 45 of Step 3 (for my record only)
UK deaths up 3 to 41,369 (revised basis), with new daily cases up by 710 (good to see it back below 1k, hopefully not a weekend thing). Globally cases to date passed 22m tonight, again up 1m in 3 days, That sounds a lot of cases, but in context in 8 months the number of people confirmed as having had the new virus globally is only equivalent to a third of the population of the UK. Whilst 100k people have signed up for vaccine trials, more are urged to volunteer and particularly from 'high priority groups' such as those aged over 65 and the BAME community. 

The Education Secretary finally abandoned the faulty moderation algorithm and A level grades in England are now as submitted by teachers. It's unclear how this leaves students with their university applications, that is down to each university to decide as offers have already been made and accepted. There will be no moderation for GSCE's either. Of course, it still won't be 'fair' as there is now 'considerable' grade inflation, although what actually happened isn't clear. Gavin Williamson should resign or be sacked as there obviously wasn't adequate testing of the algorithm or thought given to appeals, and problems took too long to identify and act on. 

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