
By rower2012

International Blipmeet in Murchison

Today was the biggest Blipmeet we have ever taken part in, with 10 of us meeting at the Red Barn, just outside Murchison, in the South Island.

After breakfast at River Cafe we met with Farmer Girl who took us out to the designated meeting place. We all told our personal stories of how we became blippers and how it has affected our lives. No this was not a religious meeting but a fantastic blipmeet!

Next it was a discussion about lenses (especially long zoom lenses) and so on before all of the cameras came out. A very interested and kind German tourist offered to take a group shot for me with my camera, so here it is.

Seen better in LARGE.

Paladian gave him a sales pitch on blipfoto and then it was time for some lunch Those attending were:

TeeJay from Murchison
Kiwilizzie from Murchison
FarmerGirl from Murchison
Bluemerle from Murchison
TMLHereandThere from Nelson
AmblingCamera from Blenheim
Lizimagiz from Blenheim
SeaGypsy49 from Marlborough Sounds
and Paladian and myself Rower2012 from Adelaide

In the photo, from rear left to right:-

Bluemerle, Paladian, AmblingCamera, Kiwilizzie, SeaGypsy49, TMLHereAndThere, and myself.
Front row:- Lizimagiz (standing), TeeJay and FarmerGirl (sittting).

Our thanks to TeeJay and Farmer Girl for their organisation and hospitality, and a special thanks to everyone who came along. Bring on next year in Murchison!

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