
Big day today.
All my parents stuff is moved to their new home today. On the photo the truck has just arrived.

I went to Stadskanaal at 7 am and at 8 am the truck and 3 men arrived, right on time. Within a few hours everything was loaded and around noon we all left for Delfzijl.

Unloading all took even less time and at 16.00 the job was done. Well done guys! The piano was delivered at my house. Play time... hmmm it's been 35 years since I've played the piano. Bit rusty I guess. 

Unfortunately all the fuss confused my dad a bit too much. 
Seeing all his things in a different situation after over 6 weeks made him angry. He left the building walking, saying he would never set another foot here. Peter and I followed him and persuaded him to return. He refused, wanted to call the police. When a downpoor suddenly came down, he more or less was forced to return. He decided to walk with Peter instead of me.

So the day ended in a difficult situation that made me lay awake during the night.
Let's move on to tomorrow.

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