Tangled in Edinburgh...and the Castle

Some of the streets of Leith (the suburb of Edinburgh where Son#1 has his bought his flat) are in turmoil at the moment owing to the construction of the tram extension from the centre of the city. Whilst this caused some delays to our journeys ferrying "stuff" from one flat to another, it did give me the chance to grab a shot of this chaotic pile of wires and pipes amongst some of the works. I reckon I should be able to tag it for this week's Derelict Sunday challenge, hosted by Marlieske.

Driving around also gave us a rather lovely distant view of the castle, shrouded in a little of the mist which hung around all day in spite of the intermittent sunshine.

Anyway, the task of moving the belongings between flats is now complete so we'll be wending our way home tomorrow.

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