If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Red Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris)

A busy day.  The morning at home catching up on various things.  At one point I looked out of the window and saw a red brown flash, a squirrel leaving the bird table.  Knowing they are creatures of habit and there was still a nut or two on the table I grabbed the camera and waited.  Sure enough it was soon back.   

The afternoon was spent with Kanyl and unblocking the waste water pipe on the camper.  What seemed like an impossible job because of the right angle bends finally succumbed to water flowing in rather than out.

Then late afternoon/early evening it was home for a zoom meeting.  By the time all this was over and I had had a meal the shots of the squirrel were the only decent ones I had taken for the day.

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