Not every day

By ppatrick

For I will consider my dog Raki...

For she is a sniffer of scraps and titbits
For she understands much, but speaks little
For she barks at strange men, but not at women
For she loves to be cuddled
For she runs away and will not come back until she is ready
For she loves to chase, especially pheasants
For she will chase a ball, but not bring it back
For she can stand on two legs, and climb on four
For she pisses frequently, and shits neatly
For she is not enamoured of water, and cannot understand spaniels
For she lives with five cats and does not complain much
For she came to us from a Greek island
For she makes us walk every day
For she is two years old today, according to her passport – but who really knows?
For no one knows exactly what breeds she contains
For when asked “who’s a dog?” she has no ready answer.

[with apologies to Christopher Smart]

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