Rosie's new little bunny friend

I brought Oscar home from the supermarket last week where he and several of his brothers and sisters were guarding the Easter eggs. Rosie seems to like him as she hasn't bitten him full of holes yet since he came home with me and she frequently starts to lick him. Fortunately Oscar seems to tolerate quite a bit of rough behaviour from Rosie as she throws him around a bit from time to time and she sometimes pushes him off the chair as well.

Sunday today which means a stay-at-home day again for me. I was actually looking forward to not having to go out today and I'd hoped to get several things done but the only two things I've managed to do the whole day was to make a new cardboard cover as an extra protection from the cold during the winter for Rosie's cage and take some photos of her with her new little friend Oscar. It was definitely not the productive day I'd hoped for!

Update on my cold: I was able to breathe through my nose the whole day so far but still have to cough a fair bit so I'm going to continue having a few hot toddies this evening.

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