Despite lack of light

On my way home (after a haircut) around 17.00 I suddenly realized I had nothing in my agenda the rest of the day. So why not go out for a photoshoot. 
Well, maybe because the weather is horrible today?
But that might result in dramatic skies and chances are the rain will stop or at least get less this evening.

I haven't been behind my camera for known reasons for way too long and I suffer from a severe pixel-deficiency. So, whatever the weather will be, I set my mind on going out on a shoot. I immediately texted Peter and of course he was enthusiastic about joining in.
We decided to go to Drenthe, to the Balloërveld, where purple heather should be in full bloom now.

We left at 18.15 for a 45 minute drive in the new car (fun also!) and arrived at the parking around 19.00. A walk of 2 kilometers was what followed, combined with a drizzle, and sometimes heavier rain. Not a problem, I was happy to be out there feeling my backpack on my back with my gear in it.

We shot on several spots and had fun doing so. Of course good light was missed, but being out there was was counted. Rain and wind was what we had to deal with. You can see the wind of storm Francis sweeping the little tree back and forth.

I'm glad I'm back at the game.

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