
By Biscuit

I can't see you so you can't see me.

Today was a cool but sunny day and it was on with gardening gloves and out to cut the hedge.

In the process I got distracted by some bees flying in and out of this fuchsia. So it was down with the shears and out with the camera. I had got some of bees flying but they weren't as sharp as I would have liked, so decide this one of the bee in the flower was blip worthy, but again not as sharp as possible. After studying them for a while I realised that the flowers towards the outside of the bush the bees wouldn't land on. This making them hard to photograph in the middle of the bush. As well as on big enough flowers the bees would disappear into the flower and once full of nectar reappear, definitely not the best photo opportunity ever ( a bees leg sticking out the end). Photography session over it was back to cutting the hedge. 

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