The day to start is today

By Traci

To do, or Not to do, a To do List, that is the ?

While spending a good hour cleaning my treasured chunky glass jar collection, removing at least a few months worth of splashed wax and soot, I started to ponder over my never shortening 'to do' list. It had set me thinking because this task undertaken this morning was something I hadn't even put on my to do list (of which I am absolute Queen in creating) so had just been in an ether of 'to do' list positioning, and if it wasn't written down to do, should I actually be doing this or something more urgent, higher up on the required to be done soon list. Or as it is the half term break am I allowed to relax away from that structure and demand? Or as is more possible, am I continuing to avoid the inevitable "other stuff"?

It made me wonder if I am a victim of the to do list pressure? Is my life so chaotic that I can only do a non essential job with planning and allocation, in fact should I have a specific list for non essential jobs? By the time I had finished the jars, interspersed with a few loads of washing/drying and the occassional sprint to the laundry room to prevent the washing machine's bid for freedom as it heads into full spin and tries to rock it's way out towards the back door, I had decided to look further into this fascinating topic of 'putting it off' ... in fact I could put it on my newly headed list of "not really important but interesting jobs to do instead of the ones I should be doing list" !!

I did sit down to start a bit of research than decided to get my blip written and continue later when the others in the house have gone to bed and I can read more than a paragraph without interuption and forget what I was reading (a possibile answer to why I write to do lists.. more of a memory issue )

But for now an interesting quote

Personal discipline must close the gap between a good intention and a good deed !!!

hmmm, more tomorrow, have a good evening

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